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China Coal Group Listed Among The Top 100 Private Enterprises In Jining In 2023

497 Date: 2024-01-12 Tag: China Coal News Top 100 Private Enterprises

Recently, under the decision-making and deployment of Jining Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government, Municipal Federation of Industry and Commerce, Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology, Municipal Bureau of Agriculture and Rural Development, Municipal Bureau of Commerce, Municipal Bureau of Taxation, Municipal Market Supervision and Municipal Bureau of Statistics jointly carried out the declaration and selection work of the Top 100 Private Enterprises in Jining in 2023, and promulgated the list of the "Top 100 Private Enterprises in Jining in 2023". Jining Top 100 Private Enterprises 2023" list. China Coal Group was ranked 38th among the "Top 100 Private Enterprises in Jining in 2023" by virtue of its solid management ability, industry leadership and technological innovation. This represents another important achievement of China Coal Group's specialization, industrialization, new specialization, internationalization and branding, and is also a strong proof of China Coal Group's vigor and growing strength in the innovation-driven manufacturing market.

As a barometer of Jining's private economic development and a wind vane for transformation and development, the Top 100 private enterprises are the backbone of private economic development and technological innovation, and epitomize the development and progress of the private economy. The list of Jining's Top 100 Private Enterprises is an important basis for measuring the development results of enterprises in terms of technological innovation, business growth and social contribution. The honor of being shortlisted is a full affirmation of China Coal Group's comprehensive strength, industry influence, adherence to the strategy of innovative development, and active fulfillment of social responsibility, etc. It not only sets an example for the private enterprises in Jining, but also injects new impetus for the development of the whole industry.

All along, China Coal Group has achieved remarkable performance by virtue of its excellent product quality and outstanding market performance. It not only highlights the strong strength of private enterprises in Jining, but also shows the great potential of the industrial and mining machinery intelligent manufacturing industry. Under the background of strong support of national policies and growing market demand, the industrial and mining machinery intelligent manufacturing industry will usher in a broader space for development. As a leader in the industry, China Coal Group will play a greater leading role in promoting the sustainable and healthy development of the industry.

Never forget the original mission, always keep the integrity of the original color. China Coal Group has always taken integrity management and scientific and technological innovation as the important hand of the company's brand building, and constantly cultivate enterprise credit culture, create a brand of integrity, cultural industry fruitful, the Group has been named by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology as the manufacturing industry, dual-creation platform enterprises, e-commerce innovation pilot enterprises, pilot enterprises for the cultivation of industrial brands, the national pilot project of the new consumer enterprises, enterprises on the cloud typical case of the enterprise, the country, the province, It is a national, provincial and municipal contract-abiding and trustworthy enterprise, an excellent enterprise in China's machinery industry, one of the top 10 enterprises in China's running equipment manufacturing, an excellent enterprise in China's Internet e-commerce industry, a demonstration point for party building work of individual private enterprises in Jining City, a leading enterprise in Jining City's industrial clusters, an enterprise in Jining City's 231 clusters, and an enterprise of Jining City's Climbing Project.

The next step, China Coal Group will take this honor to be listed in the top 100 private enterprises in Jining in 2023 as an opportunity, based on a new height, to further expand the scale of development, with the courage to strive for the first to continuously promote the deep integration of the digital economy and manufacturing industry, to speed up the process of digital intelligence empowerment, and to take a good lead in the intelligent transformation and upgrading. Toward a higher starting point, high goal of rapid development, to help the construction of manufacturing city, create a new chapter of high-quality development of Jining to make new and greater contributions.

China Coal Group Listed Among The Top 100 Private Enterprises In Jining In 2023