1. After the dough mixer is fed, the stirring speed is obviously slowed down: generally, the reason for this kind of failure is that the belt is too loose, the raw materials are overweight, and the mo
The fuselage of the kitchen dough mixer each oil hole or oil cup to add the appropriate amount of lubricating oil, and to insist on every shift with 2 to 3 times or so. After power on, check the direc
The mobile food cart adopts the fully closed rv type design, which is hygienic and fashionable, and has no oil smoke or noise when using, which can be completely completed by one person. Mobile food c
I believe that the development of mobile food cart is a major topic for all users to pay attention to, because with the emergence of the new energy industry, the country also vigorously support the ne
About the object of heat shrinkable machine it use what problem, although its function is very powerful, the packaging effect is also very severe, but everything has it's restrictive, for heat shrinka
Vacuum packaging machine is the packaging bag into a vacuum, and then seal, so that the formation of a vacuum bag, so that the packaged goods to achieve oxygen, preservation, lake, mildew, rust, corro
©Shandong Weixin Import & Export Co., Ltd. © 2016
Address:No. 11, North of Kaiyuan Road, High-tech Zone, Jining City, Shandong Province, China
Executive Editor: Liu RuiRui / Zhang Wen