Contact Grill also known as Teppanyaki, for frying a variety of food, meat products, etc., such as steak, chicken wings, chicken, bacon roll, pork neck meat, lamb, lamb roll, fat beef, Etc., vegetable
December 29th, Shandong Province Economy and Information Technology Commission adjudication meeting of focusing on cultivating the electricity business platform held in Jinan, with the order to promot
On the morning of December 27th, The summery conference of 2016 Shandong province deepening endeavor in the integration of informatization and industrialization was held in Jinan Shungeng Hillview Hot
Morning of December 27th, The summery conference of 2016 Shandong province deepening endeavor in the integration of informatization and industrialization was held in Jinan Shungeng Hillview Hotel, Ass
Festivals can often be associated with food, such as we have the Lantern Festival,
Do you have a bread machine, but no manual, because you bought it at a yard sale, inherited it from a relative, or just lost the manual? Instead of storing it in a cabinet and adding to your "I''ll use
©Shandong Weixin Import & Export Co., Ltd. © 2016
Address:No. 11, North of Kaiyuan Road, High-tech Zone, Jining City, Shandong Province, China
Executive Editor: Liu RuiRui / Zhang Wen